Alarm management is a $7.65 billion industry worldwide, with growing demand and revenue in the industrial automation and security sectors. What is the best approach to alarm management? What are the common challenges? What new technologies and ideas are emerging? These are some of the questions addressed in this blog.
Patients in the ICU need constant monitoring. Their condition may change rapidly, so medical staff must always be aware of the situation.
Workplace violence in healthcare settings is a serious concern for both staff and employers alike. Staff need protection and support to reduce the risk of attack and feel more secure. Our Staff Safety solution helps staff quickly raise the alarm and respond to incidents. Making them feel safer at work while minimizing the risk of incidents.
Our Activity Monitoring solution for long-term care facilities offers a comprehensive range of communication and collaboration systems specifically for aged care, assisted-living environments, and psychiatric centers. Designed to prioritize safety, dignity, and privacy for residents while fostering a calm, efficient workplace for caregivers.
Healthcare providers are increasingly willing to embrace new techniques and systems, such as Activity Monitoring , so that nurses can provide better personalized care to residents and be more efficient with their time. At least, that is the guiding principle.
Ascom combines personal safety, emergency response alerts, and nurse calls in a single device for caregivers. Ascom’s software, systems, and devices provide the healthcare provider Adullam with a comprehensive solution that improves safety within the organization, and is ready for the future.
Ascom helps Estinea with 'Remote Monitoring', a solution providing 24/7 monitoring and reassurance that all communication solutions are working correctly.